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DORA Research: 2021

Overview DORA Report Structural Equation Model Questions  

Survey Questions

Responses to the following questions were used in the analysis published in the 2021 Accelerate State of DevOps Report.

Application runtime

  • Where are you deploying your applications or services currently? Select all that apply.
    Containers e.g. Docker; Kubernetes FaaS (function as a service) e.g. AWS Lambda; Google Cloud Functions PaaS (platform as a service) e.g. Heroku; App Engine; Elastic Beanstalk Servers (bare metal) VMs Other (please specify)
  • Which server operating systems have you deployed? Select all that apply.
    Windows 2003/2003R2 Windows 2008/2008R2 Windows 2012/2012R2 Other Windows Linux Debian/Ubuntu variants Linux Enterprise Linux variants (RHEL / Oracle / CentOS) Linux Fedora Linux SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Linux OpenSUSE Linux Arch Linux Other Other UNIX FreeBSD / NetBSD / OpenBSD AIX Solaris Other (please specify)


For the primary application or service you work on, please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  • My team can deploy and release our product or service on demand, independently of other services it depends upon.
  • On my team, we can make large-scale changes to the design of our system without creating significant work for other teams.
  • On my team, we can make large-scale changes to the design of our system without depending on other teams to make changes in their systems.
  • On my team, we perform deployments during normal business hours with negligible downtime.
  • To complete my own work, I don't need to communicate and coordinate with people outside my team.
  • We can do most of our testing on demand, without requiring an integrated test environment.

Automated Testing

Please think about your own testing process and rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

  • Automated test failures are likely to indicate a real defect.
  • I can get feedback from automated tests in less than ten minutes
  • It is easy for developers to reproduce and fix acceptance test failures.
  • We have the test data necessary to run our automated tests easily at every step.
  • We regularly use data from previous test runs to improve the quality of our automated test suite
  • When the automated tests pass, I am confident the software is releasable.


Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  • I am indifferent or cynical about my work. I feel like I am ineffective in my work.
  • I feel burned out from my work.
  • I feel exhausted.
  • My feelings about work negatively affect my life outside of work.
  • Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:


  • The product or service that I primarily work on runs on... Select all that apply.
    A public cloud Multiple public clouds A private cloud Hybrid cloud (combination of public cloud with private cloud / datacenter / on premises) In a datacenter or on premises (not a cloud) A small server under my desk
  • What is your primary driver for adopting multiple cloud providers?
    We only have one cloud provider or we are not using public cloud Legal compliance Disaster recovery Availability Lack of trust in one provider Leverage unique benefits of each provider Negotiation tactic or procurement requirement Other (please specify)

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statement.

  • The product or service I primarily work on was originally designed and architected to run in the cloud.

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements in relation to your use of cloud services.

  • I can dynamically increase or decrease the cloud resources available for the service or product that I primarily support based on demand.
  • I can monitor or control the quantity and/or cost of cloud resources used by the service or product that I primarily support.
  • Once I have access, I can independently provision and configure the cloud resources and capabilities required for my product or service on demand without raising tickets or requiring human interaction.
  • The cloud my product or service runs on serves multiple teams and applications, with compute and infrastructure resources dynamically assigned and re-assigned based on demand.
  • The service or product that I primarily work on is designed to be accessed from a broad range of devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets, laptops) over the network without the need for proprietary plug-ins or protocols.

Continuous Delivery

For the primary application or service you work on, please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

  • Fast feedback on the quality and deployability of the system is available to anyone on the team.
  • My team prioritizes keeping the software deployable over working on new features.
  • Our software is in a deployable state throughout its lifecycle.
  • We can deploy our system to production, or to end users, at any time, on demand.
  • When people get feedback that the system is not deployable (such as failing builds or tests), they make fixing these issues their highest priority.

Continuous Integration

For the primary application or service you work on, please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  • Automated builds and tests are executed successfully every day.
  • Automated test failures will block a commit’s progress through the pipeline.
  • Code commits result in a series of automated tests being run.
  • Code commits result in an automated build of the software.


  • Before the COVID-19 pandemic, how often did you work from home?
  • Before the COVID-19 pandemic, how often did you work with coworkers remotely (e.g., conference or video call)?
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, did you work or are you currently working from home?


Think about your experiences at work when answering the following questions and rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  • I feel comfortable being myself at work, even when I am different from others.
  • I feel comfortable sharing a perspective on work issues that might be different from my team members.
  • My organization is a place where all types of employees (e.g., all genders, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds) can succeed to their full abilities.
  • My organization is a place where I can succeed to my full ability.
  • People like me can succeed in my organization.
  • The actions of my team show they value the perspective I bring to the team, even if it is different from their own.
  • When I speak up in my organization, my opinion is valued.
  • While at work, I am comfortable expressing opinions that diverge from my team.

Think about your experiences on your team when you answer the following questions and rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  • I am accepted by the members in my team.
  • I am treated as a valued member of my team.
  • I belong in my team.
  • I feel connected to the members of my team. People in my team really care about me.
  • I feel like an outsider in my team.
  • I fit well in my team.
  • Sometimes I worry that I do not belong in my team.

Think about your organization when you answer the following questions and rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements. In my organization...

  • Cross-functional collaboration is encouraged and rewarded.
  • Failures are treated primarily as opportunities to improve the system.
  • Information is actively sought.
  • Messengers are not punished when they deliver news of failures or other bad news.
  • New ideas are welcomed.
  • Responsibilities are shared.

Database change management

For the primary application or service you work on, please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

  • All database changes are stored as scripts in version control.
  • Database changes DO NOT slow us down or cause problems when we do code deployments.
  • Everyone in our engineering org has visibility into the progress of pending database changes.
  • Production database changes are managed in the same way as production application changes.
  • When changes to the application require database changes, we always discuss them with the people responsible for the production database.

Demographics and Firmographics

  • Choose one or more races that you consider yourself to be:
    White Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Other (please specify) Prefer not to respond
  • Do you identify as a member of an underrepresented group?
  • Do you identify as a person with a disability? This includes disabilities associated with seeing, hearing, walking, remembering/concentrating, self-care, or communication.
  • How many employees work at your organization?
  • How many people are on your immediate team?
  • How many years of experience do you have?
  • Please select the geographic region and country you work in
  • What is the percentage of women who work on your team?
  • What is the principal industry of your organization?
    Education Energy Financial Services Government Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Industrials & Manufacturing Insurance Media & Entertainment Non-profit Retail / Consumer / e-Commerce Technology Telecommunications Other (please specify)
  • What is your gender?
    Male Female Non-binary Prefer not to respond
  • Which most closely describes your work role?
    Development or Engineering DevOps or SRE Information Security IT Operations or Infrastructure Network Operations Product Management User experience or software analysis Manager Professional Services Quality Engineering or Assurance Release Engineering Sales Engineering Sales or Marketing I am a consultant coach or trainer I am a C-level executive I am a student I do not belong to any department Other (please specify) Prefer not to answer

Deployment Automation

  • For the primary application or service you work on, what percentage of your deployments to production or end users are fully automated?


The following questions ask about documentation. We define documentation as internal documentation for the services or applications you work on (e.g., manuals, readmes, code comments, etc.). End-users are not the audience for these documents.

  • Which of the following practices are used at your organization? Select all that apply.
    Documentation that is out of date is archived or removed. Documentation is written for all major features on the applications I work on. Documentation is a part of project planning for the design of new features. Creating and maintaining documentation is recognized during performance reviews and promotions. We track documentation changes (determine where/when/why/and by whom a change was made). New documentation updates and recent changes to the system are communicated. Documentation is created and maintained as changes are made to our service or application. Clear guidelines for updating and editing existing documentation. Documentation related to my code is in a single repository (e.g. a CMS/wiki/site). Engineers on my team are expected to comment their code. Clearly defined ownership of documentation. Readability of code is enforced and valued. Documentation is stored in the same repository as our source code. None of the above or NA
  • Which of the following resources are available at your organization for helping your team write and maintain technical documentation? Select all that apply.
    Templates or example documentation Templates or guidelines for filing bugs / defects A system that generates reference documentation from the codebase Training to help engineers write and maintain documentation Guidelines for writing for a global audience Programming style guide Guidelines for inclusive documentation Technical writers who support internal documentation Documentation style guide Any automated testing for code samples or incomplete documentation in the code base None of the above or NA
  • Which of the following types of documentation are available at your organization? Select all that apply.
    Outage playbooks Key conceptual information about the product / service I work on Getting started material for new team members Troubleshooting resources to address known engineering issues (e.g. key contacts / FAQs / common issues) Test suite documentation Critical use cases for products / services API documentation Procedures for tasks my team is responsible for None of the above or NA

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  • I can rely on our technical documentation when I need to use or work with the services or applications I work on.
  • It is easy for me to understand our technical documentation.
  • It is easy to find the right technical document when I need to understand something about the services or applications I work on.
  • Most of the code for the services or applications I work with is documented. Our technical documentation is well organized.
  • Technical documentation is updated as changes are made.
  • The technical documentation correctly reflects the capabilities and requirements of the primary service or application I work on.

Infrastructure Platform

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statement.

  • The product or service I primarily work on was originally designed and architected to run in the cloud.

Monitoring and observability

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  • My team has a tech solution in place for monitoring key business and systems metrics.
  • My team has a tech solution in place to report on system state as experienced by customers (e.g., Do my customers know if my system is down and have a bad experience?).
  • My team has a tech solution in place to report on the overall health of systems (e.g, Are my systems functioning? Do my systems have sufficient resources available?).
  • My team has access to tools and data which help us trace, understand, and diagnose infrastructure problems in our production environment, including interactions between services.
  • My team has tooling in place that can help us with understanding and debugging our systems in production.
  • My team has tooling in place that provides the ability to find information about things we did not previously know (e.g., we can identify 'unknown unknowns').

Open Source Technologies

For the primary application or service you work on, please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

  • My organization has formal initiatives in place to expand our use of open source software.
  • My team makes extensive use of open source components, libraries, and platforms.
  • My team plans to expand our use of open source software.

Organizational Performance

For each of the following performance indicators, how well did your organization meet its goals over the past year?

Performed well above goals Performed above goals Performed slightly above goals Met goals Performed slightly below goals Performed below goals Performed well below goals N/A or I don’t know

  • Increased number of customers
  • Relative market share for primary products
  • Your organization's overall performance
  • Your organization's overall profitability

Select the option that indicates how your organization performed for the following goals over the past year.

Performed well above goals Performed above goals Performed slightly above goals Met goals Performed slightly below goals Performed below goals Performed well below goals N/A or I don’t know

  • Achieving our organizational and mission goals
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Operating efficiency
  • Other measures that demonstrate to external parties that your organization achieves intended results
  • Quality of products or services provided
  • Quantity of products or services


For the primary application or service you work on, please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

  • Alerts are configured so that humans are only paged when an immediate response is needed.
  • Alerts are generated based on service degradation from the perspective of end users or dependent systems (as opposed to system metrics like CPU %, ICMP latency, or disk IO)
  • I know what its reliability actually was in the most recent period.
  • It has well-defined targets for reliability (such as Service Level Agreements / Service Level Objectives) that are clearly communicated among the team and to customers.
  • My team is empowered to maintain reliability standards throughout the product development process.
  • My team met or exceeded our target for reliability in the most recent period.
  • My team regularly reviews and revises reliability targets based on evidence.
  • Reliability reviews are performed throughout the development process for all major features on the applications I work on.
  • When we miss our reliability targets, we perform improvement work and/or re-prioritize.

We'd also like to understand how your team prepares for incidents or changes in capacity needs. For the primary application or service you work on, please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

  • My service development team is responsible for the reliability of their service and are included in defined incident escalation paths.
  • My team has well-defined protocols and tools for responding to production incidents.
  • My team proactively plans for capacity demand using data from multiple sources.
  • My team regularly practices incident response procedures.


Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  • I have a single point-of-contact for all security reviews during the lifecycle of my product or feature development.
  • I have access to the same tooling and technologies as the security engineering team.
  • Information Security has input in the design of the applications that I work on.
  • Information Security has made easy-to-consume pre- approved libraries, packages and/or toolchains and processes for developers and IT operations.
  • Our information security team works with us throughout the development process.
  • Security review is conducted for all major features on the applications I work on.
  • Security reviews are performed throughout the development process.
  • Tests to help us discover security problems are run throughout the software development process.
  • The security review process does not slow down the development process for the applications that I work on.

Software Delivery Performance

  • For the primary application or service you work on, how long does it generally take to restore service when a service incident or a defect that impacts users occurs (e.g., unplanned outage, service impairment)?
    More than six months Between one month and six months Between one week and one month Between one day and one week Less than one day Less than one hour I don't know / NA
  • For the primary application or service you work on, how often does your organization deploy code to production or release it to end users?
    Fewer than once per six months Between once per month and once every 6 months Between once per week and once per month Between once per day and once per week Between once per hour and once per day On demand (multiple deploys per day) I don't know / NA
  • For the primary application or service you work on, what is your lead time for changes (i.e., how long does it take to go from code committed to code successfully running in production)?
    More than six months Between one month and six months Between one week and one month Between one day and one week Less than one day Less than one hour I don't know / NA
  • For the primary application or service you work on, what percentage of changes to production or released to users result in degraded service (e.g., lead to service impairment or service outage) and subsequently require remediation (e.g., require a hotfix, rollback, fix forward, patch)?
    0%-15% 16%-30% 31%-45% 46%-60% 61%-75% 76%-100% I don't know / NA

Tools and automation

  • Choose which option best represents who has responsibility for creating and maintaining the CI / CD / Test automation toolchain and its configuration.
    All build/test/deploy for the software we build is handled by a centralized team. We are required to use a centralized toolchain with preconfigured scripts and steps for the build/test/deploy process that we can override or customize if needed. We are required to use a centralized toolchain with preconfigured scripts and steps and we have little ability to override it. Our team has complete autonomy to choose and configure its own toolchain for CI/CD/test automation. We are required to use a centralized toolchain but we maintain our own scripts for the build/test/deploy process and have a lot of autonomy in how it is configured.
  • My toolchain includes the following (select all that apply):
    Automated unit tests Integration with chatbots / Slack Automated acceptance tests Automated build Automated deployment to production Automated performance tests Integration with production monitoring and observability tools Automated security tests Automated provisioning and deployment to testing environments None of the above

Trunk-Based Development

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  • All developers on my team push code to trunk / master at least daily.
  • Branches and forks have very short lifetimes (less than a day) before being merged to master.
  • Our application team never has code lock periods when no one can check in code or do pull requests due to merging conflicts.
  • There are fewer than three active branches on the application's code repo.

Work Characteristics

  • What percentage of your time is spent on rework or unplanned work?

In an average week, approximately what percent of your time at work is spent...

  • actively coding (e.g., writing new code, improving existing code, fixing bugs, testing, designing and architecting code), if any?
  • completing administrative tasks (e.g., planning, meetings, emails), if any?
  • completing operations related tasks (e.g., troubleshooting production problems, collecting metrics and logs, monitoring dashboards, monitoring logs, responding to incidents), if any?
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