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DORA Research: 2024

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This page lists errors and corrections to the 2024 Accelerate State of DevOps Report. To track revisions, report PDFs are stamped with a version number. The initial version of the 2024 report was v.2024.1. The latest version is v.2024.3.

Errata in v.2024.3

p. 37 The description of Figure 9 should be “Impacts of AI adoption on development workflows.”

p. 116 “Individual Performance and” should be “Individual Performance and Well-being”

p. 116 “Product Performanc” should be “Product Performance”

p. 116 “Team Performanc” should be “Team Performance”

Errata in v.2024.2

p. 2 Rename the “Artificial intelligence: adoption and attitudes” chapter to “Artificial intelligence: Adoption and attitudes” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 3 Title should be “Executive summary”, not “Executive Summary” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 4 There should not be a colon (:) after “Organizational performance” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 6 The sentence “There is room for improvement in this area: 39.2% of respondents reported having little or no trust in AI” is missing a period (.) at the end." [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 7 Missing an “in” after “invest” in “…identify areas to invest and make improvements…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 13 The colors in the table are off. The second row, “high” should be spotlight yellow and the third row “medium” should be vermillion to match the graph on page 14. [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 14 “most importantly” should not be surrounded by commas (,). It should be “It depends on the application or service being considered, the goals of the team working on that application, and most importantly the expectations of the application’s users.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p 16. The comma (,) in “Each application or service has its own, unique context.” is unnecessary, it should be “Each application or service has its own unique context” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 16. “We then recommend that you gather the cross-functional team responsible for this application and measure and agree on its current software delivery performance.” should be “We then recommend gathering the cross-functional team responsible for this application to measure and agree on its current software delivery performance.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 17 The title should be “Artificial intelligence: Adoption and attitudes” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 18 Change: “These data are visualized…” to “This data is visualized…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 18 “Changes in Organizational Priorities Concerning AI” should be sentence case: “Changes in organizational priorities concerning AI” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 18 Update the labels in Figure 2: Label for Y-axis: “Answer”, Label for X-axis: “Percentage of respondents”, change the X-axis labels to “0%”, “10%”, “20%”, and “30%”. [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 19 Sentence case for title: “Individual adoption of artificial intelligence” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 19 Change: “These data are visualized…” to “This data is visualized…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 20 Update the labels in Figure 3: Label for Y-axis: “Task”, Label for X-axis: “Percentage of respondents”
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 21 Sentence case for title: “Drivers of adoption of artificial intelligence” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 22 Sentence case for title: “Performance improvements from artificial intelligence” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 22 Update the labels in Figure 4: Title: “Perceptions of productivity changes due to AI”, Label for Y-axis: “Answer”, Label for X-axis: “Percentage of respondents”, change the X-axis labels to “0%”, “10%”, “20%”, and “30%”.
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 22 Change: “These data are visualized…” to “This data is visualized…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 23 Sentence case. “Trust in AI-generated code” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 23 Change: “These data are visualized…” to “This data is visualized…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 24 Update the labels in Figure 5: X-axis: “Percentage of respondents”, change the X-axis labels to “0%”, “10%”, “20%”, and “30%”. [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 24 “…And then, you just copy and paste the stuff, and things explode …” has an extra space after “explode” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 24 Update the labels in Figure 5: Title use sentence case: “Trust in quality of AI-generated code”, Y-axis: “Answer”, X-axis: “Percentage of respondents”, change the X-axis labels to “0%”, “10%”, “20%”, and “30%”. [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 25 Sentence case for title: “Expectations for AI’s future” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 25 Change: “These data are visualized…” to “This data is visualized…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 25 Update the labels in Figure 6: Title: “Expected negative impacts of AI”, Y-axis: “Percentage of respondents with negative outlook”, X-axis: “Years in the future”, Remove the X-axis sublabel. [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 31 “wellbeing” should be spelled “well-being” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 31 Remove the period (.) after “Figure 7. is a visualization…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 32 Figure 7 is missing one period (.) in the title, it should be “If an individual increases AI adoption by 25%…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 32 Update the labels in Figure 7: Y-axis: “Outcome”, X-axis: “Estimated percent change in outcome”
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 32 Figure 7 “wellbeing” should be spelled “well-being” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 33 “wellbeing” should be spelled “well-being” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 35 “wellbeing” should be spelled “well-being” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 37 Figure 9 is missing one period (.) in the title, it should be “If AI adoption increases by 25%…"
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 37 Update the labels in Figure 9: Y-axis: “Outcome”, X-axis: “Estimated percent change in outcome”
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 39 Figure 10 is missing one period (.) in the title, it should be “If AI adoption increases by 25%…"
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 39 Update the labels in Figure 10: Y-axis: “Outcome”, X-axis: “Estimated percent change in outcome”
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 40 Change: “These data are visualized…” to “This data is visualized…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 40 Change “So, it is optimistic that AI has positive impacts on many important individual and organizational factors which foster the conditions for high software delivery performance.” to “The beneficial impact that AI has on many important individual and organizational factors that foster the conditions for high software performance is reason for optimism.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 41 The definition for Organizational performance should be “This is a factor score that accounts for an organization’s overall performance, profitability, market share, total customers, operating efficiency, customer satisfaction, quality of products/services, and ability to achieve goals.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 42 Figure 11 is missing one period (.) in the title, it should be “If AI adoption increases by 25%…”
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 42 Update the labels in Figure 11: Y-axis: “Outcome”, X-axis: “Estimated percent change in outcome”
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 46 Footnote 7 should link to [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 48 Add the word “automation” to the end of this sentence “In this example, the continuous integration feature can scale across the larger organization and make it easier for multiple teams to improve their capabilities with continuous testing and test.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 49 “In this year’s report, we sought to test the relationship between platforms and software delivery and operations performance.” should read “…software delivery and operational performance.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 49 Update the labels in Figure 13: Y-axis: “Estimated productivity factor score (0-10)”, X-axis: “No platform” and “Platform” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 50 Update the labels in Figure 14: Y-axis: “Organizational performance”, X-axis: “Platform age”
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 51 The definition of developer independence should be “developers’ ability to perform their tasks for the entire application lifecycle, without relying on an enabling team.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 51 “This pattern is typical of transformation initiatives as early gains are realized, and then headwinds are encountered as the easier gains have been realized.” should be “This pattern is typical of transformation initiatives that experience early gains but encounter challenges once those have been realized.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 53 “Platform engineering” should be “platform engineering” in this sentence “While platform engineering presents some definite upsides, in terms of teams and individuals feeling more productive and improvements in organizational performance, Platform engineering had an unexpected downside:…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 60 Update the labels in Figure 15: Y-axis: “Predicted product performance”, At the top: “Level of user centricity” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 60 The description for Figure 15 should read “…delivery throughput across…” not “delivery throughout across…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 61 “user centered approach” should be “user-centered approach” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 63 “user centered approach” should be “user-centered approach” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 63 Update the labels in Figure 16: Y-axis: “Predicted product performance”, X-axis: “Documentation quality”, At the top: “Level of user centricity”, Remove “*” next to “*The graph is a composite of…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 64 “And too much documentation can be as problematic as not enough content.” remove “content,” so change to: “And too much documentation can be as problematic as not enough.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 64 “…content that is created only for bureaucratic…” should be “…documentation that is created only for bureaucratic…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 64 “…maintaining or consolidating the content.” should be “…maintaining or consolidating the documentation.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 64 “…measure of quality content…” should be “…measure of quality documentation…” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 66 The superscript 9 marking the footnote should be external to the period. [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 67 Update the labels in Figure 17: Y-axis: “Predicted delivery stability”, X-axis: “Adding AI-powered experiences to service or application” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 70 The title should be “Transformational leadership” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 72 The superscript 2 should follow the comma (,) [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 72 Update the X-axis label in Figure 18 to “Estimated percentage change in outcome” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 73 “Not only do products improve, but employees, more satisfied with their jobs, and less likely to experience burnout.” should be “Not only do products improve, but employees are more satisfied with their jobs and less likely to experience burnout.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 76 The superscript 8 should follow “improvement”, not “continuous” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 76 Footnote 1 should not be in parentheses [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 76 Footnote 4 should link to [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 76 Footnote 8 should link to [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p.82 “This year’s report has a heavy focus on the use and impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI).” should be “This year’s report has a heavy focus on the use and impacts of artificial intelligence (AI).” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 82 Footnote 1 should link to [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 82 Footnote 5 should be “The ROI of DevOps Transformation -
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 84 Footnote 2 should link to
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 87 Some of the capitalized words in Dr. Kevin M. Storer’s biography should be lowercase. [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 88 Lowercase “artificial intelligence” in Amanda Lewis’s biography. [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 88 “project management” in Amanda Lewis’s biography should be “project managers.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 88 Use lowercase for “cloud solutions architect” and “solutions architect” in Benjamin Good’s biography.
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 90 97 Things Every Cloud Engineer Should Know should be italicized. [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 95 The label for the X-axis should be “Job title” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 100 “Survey Development” should be “Survey development” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 102 Title should be sentence case: “Survey flow” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 103 “Think of happiness, for example Happiness is multifaceted.” should be “Think of happiness, for example, happiness is multifaceted.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 105 “Causal thinking is where our curiosity will take us and where we’ll all spend a lot of time.” should be ““Causal thinking is where our curiosity will take us and where we all spend a lot of time.” [Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 113 Missing a superscript 1 which should be immediately following “…creating smaller models…”.
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 114 Missing a superscript 3 which should be immediately following “…construct, evaluate, and use the models…”
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 114 Missing a superscript 4 which should be immediately following “…outcomes as a result of doing X.”
[Corrected in v.2024.3]

p. 117 “Fostering developers’ trust in generative artificial intelligence - " Should be “Fostering developers’ trust in generative artificial intelligence. " [Corrected in v.2024.3]

Errata in v.2024.1

p.25 Labels for the columns in Figure 6. should be “Product quality”, “Delivery speed”, “Organizational performance”, “Career”, “Society”, and “Environment.” [Corrected in v.2024.2]

p.60 Figure 15 should have a description: “Figure 15. Product performance and delivery throughout across 3 levels of user centricity” [Corrected in v.2024.2]

p.60 Figure 15 should label the levels of user centricity as “Low”, “Medium”, and “High”. [Corrected in v.2024.2]

p.63 Figure 16 should have a description: “Figure 16. Product performance and documentation quality across 3 levels of user centricity” [Corrected in v.2024.2]

p.63 Figure 16 should label the levels of user centricity as “Low”, “Medium”, and “High”. [Corrected in v.2024.2]

p.67 Figure 17 should have a description: “Figure 17. Software delivery stability as a function of adding AI-powered experiences to service or application”. [Corrected in v.2024.2]

p.72 The estimated value for Burnout in Figure 18 should be “-9.9%”. [Corrected in v.2024.2]

p.94 Median for “How many years have you worked on the team in a role similar to your current role?” is 5.
[Corrected in v.2024.2]

p.94 Median for “How many years have you worked on the team you’re currently on?” is 3. [Corrected in v.2024.2]

p.94 Median for “How many years of working experience do you have?” is 16. [Corrected in v.2024.2]

p.95 A list or table of survey respondents by role is missing.. [Corrected in v.2024.2]

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