DORA Research: 2023

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A healthy culture is foundational, positively impacting technical capabilities, performance goals, and employee success. Teams prioritizing user needs tend to build the right things and build them right, demonstrating a balance of software delivery and operational performance.

The report emphasizes continuous improvement. Using metrics to understand strengths and weaknesses is a starting point. Teams should prioritize learning and adapting based on feedback rather than solely focusing on hitting performance targets.

Key findings include

  • Healthy culture is key: Generative organizational cultures correlate with 30% higher organizational performance.

  • User focus drives success: Teams prioritizing user needs achieve 40% higher organizational performance and build both the right thing and build the thing right.

  • Technical capabilities matter: Continuous integration, loosely coupled teams, and fast code reviews significantly improve software delivery and operational performance.

  • Documentation amplifies impact: High-quality documentation drastically increases the effectiveness of technical capabilities on organizational performance.

  • Cloud flexibility is crucial: Leveraging flexible infrastructure, often enabled by cloud, results in 30% higher organizational performance, while simply “lifting and shifting” can be detrimental.

  • Fair work distribution improves well-being: Equitable work distribution reduces burnout but has no significant impact on those identifying as underrepresented. Underrepresented groups often take on more repetitive tasks, contributing to higher burnout levels.

  • Continuous improvement is essential: Teams should adopt a mindset of continuous improvement, focusing on learning and adaptation rather than just achieving specific metric targets.

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